Thursday, March 4, 2021

Pompeii Eruption Chariot

Today we did some questions about a Carriage discovered in the ruins of Pompeii from when the mountain Erupted in 79AD.

We had to work out what we thought this artefact was.  Then we read the article and had a class debate.

Our big question was should artifacts stay where they were found or be moved somewhere else.  

I think they should stay where they are found because they will get damaged if you move them.  It is respectful of the history if you leave them where they are.

What do you think


  1. Hi, Thomas I'm Giorgio from Otaki college. This chariot looks real cool and I like you explanation. I agree that they should stay where they are found, so that there is less chance to steal multiple artifacts. Next time maybe you could add some facts about this chariot since I wonder what it is. Good job, from Giorgio.

  2. Hello Thomas my name is Savior from Saint pius x school, and this is a great peace of work keep the good work up.

  3. Hello Thomas my name is Tupua from SPX like Savior, I really like the information you put out, it is very interesting and I hope to see more from you!

  4. Hello Thomas my name is Vaka and i am from St Pius School I like your blog you a good person.


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